
I began as a painter and remained studying painting until I finally recognized that the paintings were getting worse. In my Senior year I learned printmaking and had a remarkable mentor Robert Marx. I eventually went on to study that at the University of Iowa and worked with Mauricio Lasansky and Keith Achepohl in printmaking and with Kay Amert and Kim Merker in the book arts.  From there I moved to Rochester, NY where I set up a press, printed for other artists to pay rent and to develop my skills and from that studio I began making exhibition prints. It was also around that time that I began my association with Samuel Beckett and ultimately made three artist’s books with his texts. I continue to exhibit,  make prints , drawings and photographs and teach at Grand Valley State University. There have been some orphan explorations during my professional life– making furniture and woodenware (often with drawings and prints on them, silver based photography, but printmaking, painting and drawing have never gone away. I have also become more and more interested in collaboration. Without Witness has nine collaborative prints with Serbian artist Aleksandra Nikić .I have just completed 100 mixed media pieces with Detroit artist Megan Gurisko-Stone. I’ve worked with metal smith Renee Zettle-Sterling and recently with British artist Keziah Philipps.Since completing Sideshow in 2014 I have been drawing- making nearly 1,500 of them in 19 notebooks. Currently (2017), I am beginning work on another artist’s book – a new translation by Breon Mitchell of Franz Kafka’s, In the Penal Colony”. The text for the book will be letterpress printed by Deep Wood Press and I will be making and printing the intaglio plates.